Plantium Dental Clinic
Dental hospital & dental clinic category /
Implant for the diabetes
Unique dental clinic specializing in diabetic patients equipped with the diabetic implant system.
Plantium Dental Clinic

Plantium Dental Clinic is well-known for its diabetic implant system. There is a prejudice that it is not easy for diabetic patients to get dental treatment. And it is not easy to find the right dental clinic even when they try to get treatment. Therefore, in the end these diabetic patients come to visit a dental clinic when their dental condition is already serious.

If you do not control the main factor of diabetic mellitus, it may result in complications. Eye(diabetic retinapathy), kidney complication, and diabetic periodontal diseases are among them.

Plantium Dental Clinic's medical staffs are performing systemic treatment lest diabetic patients should miss the right timing for treatment and lose their tooth or teeth, as they regard the periodontal disease(gum disease) as one of main diabetic complications.

Diabetic patients have limitation in dental treatment because of bleeding and infection. However, it is the dental treatment that every diabetic patient should never overlook. Medical staffs in this hospital point out that lots of diabetic patients are afraid of complications like kidney disease, myocardial infarction, and arteriosclerosis but they are overlooking danger of the periodontal diseases. If you are a diabetic patient, you have to prevent the periodontal diseases in advance. And when you already have one of those diseases, you have to regularly get treatment in early stage to stop diabetic mellitus from getting worse.

Neglecting the periodontal diseases of diabetic patients worsens diabetic mellitus

Diabetic periodontal disease is a complication that a diabetic patient gets when his or her teeth are not properly managed. It causes inflammation on tissues around the teeth, and it disturbs blood sugar control. Therefore, it worsens diabetic mellitus by aggravating the complications like cardiovascular diseases, stroke, etc. without staying with mouth problems. It is because bacteria in mouth interfere with blood sugar control by blocking sugar absorption. Moreover, when a tooth is lost because of a periodontal disease, it changes structure of oral mucosa, function of muscle around oral cavity, recognition rate of taste sense, and function of salivary gland.

Unlike other ordinary periodontal diseases, diabetic periodontal diseases may spread to the whole body without staying inside the mouth. When a tooth is lost or it does not function properly due to periodontal diseases, it immediately cause problems to chewing that helps our body digest food. If a diabetic patient cannot chew rough and tough food like vegetable and nuts, it will be easier for their dietary plan to fail. The medical staffs of this hospital warns that it will cause nutritional imbalance, and result in failure of blood sugar control in the end.

It is easy to quickly detect the diabetic periodontal diseases with symptom of daily life. When you have one, you have bleeding in your gum, it turns red, and you feel like it is swollen or its bad smell continues. When it is much in progress, you will see pus between teeth and gum, feel like the teeth are loose, and have a dry mouth. This hospital is doing its best for the early detection campaign that is designed to prevent and cure the periodontal diseases of diabetic patients.